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18:50 10 Jun 24
You are a miracle! I can't say it any other way 😭 and it was only the 1st appointment today. Doctors and... radiologists told me that I was terminally ill, that I had ankylosing spondylitis and that I should have started taking biologics soon. Dave explained this to me today and I am so grateful to him for that. And what was really good for me was that you helped me get through it top to bottom 😂 I'm a different person. I feel so free, that doesn't exist 😨 Guys go to Dave!!!! You have to experience this🙏🏼mehr
Stephan Holtgrewe
Stephan Holtgrewe
17:14 02 Aug 23
The good first:Dave helped me well in two sessions.Improved posture, relieved tension in the shoulders, neck and... spine. Thanks for that!What I didn't find okay:Despite asking, he didn't respond to the prescription (epicondylitis/"tennis elbow") or my thumb problems.I would have found it okay that he combined six appointments of 20 minutes each into 2x 60 minutes if he hadn't used up two-thirds of the time with monologues (and "self-portrayal", as a previous speaker already wrote).I had to listen to the fact that I might have suffered serious damage from my corona vaccination and didn't have the opportunity to speak up with questions and objections.Dave writes on his website that “working not on the patient, but with him” is important to him. Unfortunately my impression was the opposite.It's a shame, with so much potential!mehr
Irfan Tutic
Irfan Tutic
09:09 20 Jul 23
I always had problems with my lower back for 1-2 years. Even the doctor didn't give me much help other than telling me... to exercise my lower back. Since I go to the gym, I thought I had already fulfilled that. At some point I heard from Dave and got a referral. That was the best decision I could have made. After the first treatment, which lasted about 60 minutes, I had immediate results. Dave is a very friendly man who knows what he is telling you. Unlike many others, he explains to you what he is doing to you and why he is doing it. He shows you the pain or the effect that comes afterwards and then carries out the treatment. That was really impressive.Seven weeks later, I'm still amazed at how much it's done and how well the exercise he showed me maintains the condition.After the second session, I recommended my mother to see him as she had been having problems with her back for over 10 years. She has had numerous visits to various doctors who have prescribed medication or bandages, but the problem has only gotten worse each year. After two sessions with Dave, I couldn't believe how quickly and effectively her condition had improved. Other people haven't done it in 10 years.I can really recommend Dave. He does a great job and is a great personmehr
Jen Ny
Jen Ny
13:44 20 Apr 23
I think Dave is great. He takes me seriously, he thinks outside the box and addresses my complaints. I came with fear... and doubt and left more liberated. Even though I am chronically ill, after just two appointments he managed to relieve me of the tormenting headache and jaw pain. Of course, you can't conjure up something that has never been intact for over 30 years, but after 2 recipes I have achieved a significantly better quality of life through more mobility so that I can better cope with my everyday life. Thanks for that. I'll definitely come back.mehr
Christopher Graf
Christopher Graf
05:14 29 Sep 20
Spontaneous appointment on the same day after which I plagued myself with pain the whole week. 20 minutes and 40 €... later the pinched nerve was gone. You can't be squeamish about that, great!mehr
corinna ziegler
corinna ziegler
19:22 28 Sep 20
mr farnan manipulates the spine and tries to present it as "the" correct therapy in endless monologues. That is... negligent and dangerous without an x-ray. He not only tried to manipulate me there, but also basically to brainwash me.As far as I know and as far as I have informed myself online, he is legally not allowed to carry out this manipulation. Only correct, sectional ones are not included, alternative practitioners and doctors are allowed to do this. He does not. therefore every person is an experimental subject for what is known as therapy. he trusts that everything will be believed in him and thank god it didn't work for me.mehr
Rapha Cino
Rapha Cino
16:38 08 Sep 20
Very good professional competence. In the first few minutes Dave was able to analyze my pain and its causes. It is... highly recommended. You feel in good hands. 5 stars for a very good job. I will remain a loyal customer. 🙂mehr
Silvia Werner
Silvia Werner
13:27 28 Aug 20
Holistic advice / education. You feel in good hands, understood and treated well.Applications / exercises have always... been crowned with success 👍Expertise that many others could / should learn more than a slice of.mehr
Thorsten Sonnemann
Thorsten Sonnemann
12:11 22 Jun 20
You feel in the best hands with Dave. Outstanding professional competence and knowledge. His treatment and regular... exercises lead to success! Clear recommendation!mehr
Enes Özdemir
Enes Özdemir
07:39 29 May 20
Klare Empfehlung!Kontaktanfragen per E-Mail, statt lästige Warteschleifen, es ist alles möglich, nur leider werden... die digitalen Möglichkeiten in kaum einer anderen Praxis angeboten.Hier weht ein anderer Wind - bereits bei betreten der Praxis merkt man, hier ist im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Praxen eine andere Stimmung, die zum Wohlfühlen einlädt.Die Kompetenz meines Physiotherapeuten "Dave" kann ich hier nur wie bereits in anderen Rezensionen bestätigen. Man wird fachlich aufgeklärt, eingebunden und mit Übungen versorgt, die nachhaltig die Beschwerden lindern und gar verschwinden lassen. So ist nicht das ständige Aufsuchen der Praxis notwendig, was diese Praxis von anderen auszeichnet und hervorhebt = WIN WIN !Ich kann die Praxis ruhigen Gewissens empfehlen und würde die Praxis sehr gerne wieder besuchen!mehr
Lars Ranze
Lars Ranze
07:32 24 Apr 20
Sehr gut, nur zu empfehlen.
Paul Czarnecki
Paul Czarnecki
18:31 22 Jan 20
Dave , hat mein Lebenseinstellung zum meinen Körpergefühl verändert . Ich bin begeistert von seiner Einstellung und... seinen Können !!mehr
Gabi R
Gabi R
14:17 20 Jan 20
Eine Adresse zum weiterempfehlen! Hohe fachliche Kompetenz und zeitgemäße Therapieansätze der neuen Medizin. Danke... dafür!mehr
Katrin Isigkeit
Katrin Isigkeit
08:50 12 Dec 18
Dave has very good technical expertise. With his knowledge, his understanding of people and his skillful moves, he... helped me to further improve my mobility. I felt like I was in good hands with him and his team. Thanks. Gladly again. 😊👍mehr
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